Hey there. Where are you going mister. Its your Birthday! Actually its Sunday, but this man thinnks he needs to celebrate all week and weekend. Smh.

My gosh, I married this man.
This man tho, what can I even say about him.
He works hard and loves to drive me crazy.
I guess I should talk good about him since it is his birthday.
He sometimes helps me with the dishes which is always a plus.
He makes me laugh uncontrollably, keeps me grounded and enjoys his nights at home.
When I first met him, I was not interested. I actually wasnt even interest looking for someone or being with anyone. In the end, he won my heart and still does to this day.
Although sometimes we can argue over the utter most ridiculous crap. I still love him and enjoy always being right (that might be an understatement)

This guy will do anything and most of everything for me and our son.
I mean what man will dye your hair for you? This man will.
He always puts family first and always does his best to do everything in his power to get what we want or need.
Being married to Rusty is a learning experience for both of us. We work hard to defeat the statistics and work on putting each other first.
He can make my sad days go away and my happy days even better then the last.
He ha seen my crazy hormonal days and my wonderful days when Im a sane person. Never does he judge me for my crazy outbursts.
I'm so blessed and lucky to have such a wonderful husband, but an even better dad to our son, and this baby girl growing in my belly.
I still cant believe I married man of humor, that was always one of the top qualities i wanted in a man. to be able to lay in bed and laugh at each other for no reason.
So here's too you Honey. Hoping your birthday is filled with lots of beer, laughter and lots and lots of fun.
I love you always and forever!
Amy Lee
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