This necklace will be mine, I ordered it first thing this morning.. I can wait to sport this little cutie around town!
I am thinking of getting my haircut. My hair right now is currently long, like past my shoulders middle of my back. I am not real sure if it is this hormones wanting me too cut my hair or my gut...I have until next Friday to make my finally decision.
COLD Pineapple is my ultimate weakness right now. Like fridge cold. I sliced a whole pineapple. . and it was all gone by day 2. I didn't share with anyone. It was all mine!
I am so ready for spring. Anyone else? I mean dont get me wrong I enjoy the cold, but sometimes the cold gets a little annoying. Kids are ready to be outside, i am ready for sun, and the water. I am just READY! Being outside is awhole lot more fun then being stuck inside days at a time, for some people even weeks at a time.
My Birthday will be next month!
It is always during Spring Break. I am sad to say I haven't ever went anywhere for Spring Break for my birthday. I will be 28ish. yah, two more years and ill be the dirty thirty?
Amy Lee
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