
Thursday, August 11, 2011

what im loving-----(little late)

Today im linkin up with Jamie for her WILW..
yes i know im late- but yesterday i was so busy at work i had no time to do it..
usually i can during our slow hours at the Lab- but yesterday was CRAY CRAY
in the Labortory

so that being said- here is WILW-

Im Loving- That this Saturday me and a bunch of my girlies are going on a Winery Tour.
I have been to a Winery Tour when i was in Branson, Missouri years ago with a ex and his Fam,
but i was too young to Taste. So NOW is my chance since im of age now.
Cant wait to Blog about this Winery Tour because im pretty
sure there is gonna be some Crazy fun going on.

Im Loving- Yesterday i got my monthly magizine of "Food Network" and cant wait to try
so many new things-- here are a few i wanna try to make.
Deep Fried Mac n Cheese
Deep Fried- Ginger
and they normallly have "50 things to make with_____"
well this month it is BACON.
If yall dont know, BACON is like my most guilt pleasure i love this
yummy stuff i could eat it every day if i could.
Bacon Guacamole? YUM love them both
Bacon Butter- ok did Paula Dean come up with this ;)
Bacon Wrapped Artichoke Hearts- DELISH, u must try.
ok...u get my point on to the next love.

Im Loving- That this week i have been working in the Lab at our hospital here in town.
When i first started working here, this is where i started. Im a Phlebotomist, or as
the Nurses call me "Vampire" haha.. i enjoy it, i believe this is my calling.
Maybe i should look into nursing or something?

Im Loving-
 i  love this.. all im needing is a white dress then i can complete it.

 loving this "Tribal Print"
i have been on a mission for these
Im loving- Tomorrow is my day off...5 am comes pretty early, needless to say as soon as i get home and cook dinner shower and get everyone ready im completely exhuatsed and Hubs isnt too happy because we havent done "the deed" in awhile but..he understands im a sleeping beauty and need all the rest i can get.
Im Loving-  this little monster right here.
love this lil munchkin to PIECES!!!
AND i love his Dad too ;)


  1. You are so funny! :)

    I can't believe you're a "vampire". Having blood drawn just oooks me out, but luckily the place I go to is really gentle.

    I love all your clothing picks! I am seriously having shopping withdrawals. I am dying to go to NorthPark for a day by myself and just buy everything in sight. Ha ha

    I'm also thinking that maybe I need to get Food Network mag? Have you made those bacon wrapped jalepeno/cream cheese things? Mmmmm...

  2. You're welcome! You always make me laugh (unless it's a serious post!)

    We totally should do a bloggy meet-up...maybe at NorthPark? I bet it's actually equidistant for both of us from home! Ha! Maybe we can get the husbands to watch the kids? (I love bringing my kid w/ me everywhere, but it is easier not to have to lug everything around by myself!)

  3. That outfit with the boots literally made me gasp. Hello, future inspiration! All I need is an ethereal white dress, and I am good to go.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  4. Hmmm? Blog the same I did? I'm confuuuuuused. :P

    You totally did win the Nobel Prize...of blogging! :)

    From Hot Pink Combat Boots' rules, you just...
    1. Write 7 random things/facts about yourself.
    2. Answer the other ?'s that are pre-made.
    3. Pass the award some of your fave bloggers - however many you like! Or I've also seen people award it "openly" to whoever reads their blog to do.


Hey Ya'll i love me some comments so go ahead, comment away. LOVE Ya'll.