
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Letter to my Son

Dear Slayde,
Hi there little man. When we took this photo when we were driving along side the rode in Dad's Truck and as soon I seen the bluebonnets I knew I had to take a photo of u standing in them. Soon I realized going through the many photos I took of you, how much your growing, changing, and evolving into such a sweet young boy.
Your always telling me how much you love me and dad, and how awesome we are.. You always have a smile on your face, and the most smallest things in life can light up your day.
I love that you have many "best friends and not just one
When dad arrives home from work or when I come get you from school/nawnaw's you always greet me with a huge smile and a "MOOMMMMAA!"
You have some of the best catch phrase's for incites "I'm just doing my job"
"I'm such a great help, momma" or "I don't have time for that"
I'm always a sucker for your smile, when I ask you too clean your room, u tell me I need to help, and most ALWAYS you never the helpee. You recently started Tball, and knowing this I know ill have many summer nights out at te field watching you play, soon you will be 4 then next thing I know you will be graduating from High School..
One thing I always want you to remember, is love first. Always keep your good heart, treat everyone as you would want to be treated, and NEVER ever let anyone tell you that you cant!
I love you sweet son of mine! Ill love u to infinity and beyond!

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